Hello Immortal World with Rust
Bastion is a highly-available, fault-tolerant runtime system with dynamic dispatch oriented lightweight process model.
- Message-based communication makes this project a lean mesh of actor system.
- Without web servers, weird shenanigans, forced trait implementations, and static dispatch.
- Runtime fault-tolerance makes it a good candidate for distributed systems.
- If you want the smell of Erlang and the powerful aspects of Rust. That’s it!
- Completely asynchronous runtime with NUMA-aware and cache-affine SMP executor.
- Exploiting hardware locality wherever it is possible. It is designed for servers.
- Supervision system makes it easy to manage lifecycles.
- Kill your application in certain condition or restart you subprocesses whenever a certain condition is met.
- At most once delivery for all the messages.
- Completely asynchronous system design.
- Asynchronous program boundaries with fort.
- Dynamic supervision of supervisors (adding a subtree later during the execution)
- Lifecycle management both at futures and lightproc layers.
- Faster middleware development.
- Above all “fault-tolerance”.